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Misaligned Door Locks

Misaligned locks are often used interchangeably with misaligned strike plates. This is because they often lead to the same problems as locking the door. These door lock problems should be addressed instantly. They are usually very easy to be noticed. Misaligned lock means that the key parts of the locking mechanism are not lined up as it should facilitate the door core functions. Mostly, that means the latch or locking bolt is not lined up with the door lock’s strike plate. The strike plate is generally affixed to the door jamb and facilitates the extension of the bolt or latch.

Door locks that were not properly installed could lead to problems like misaligned deadbolts or latches. Those problems could also occur because door and door frames are warping due to climate change. It would be so easy to spot because as the door lock is misaligned, it would become difficult to be operated normally. It means it would not close and lock the way it should so it could leave your house or office exposed.

If the misalignment was not managed in an appropriate manner, the problems would compound and get worse. It could lead to broken door locks or even broken doors. Since the locking mechanism is not aligned with the lock plate, there is a risk of subjecting the locking bolt or latch unnecessary pressure when trying to close the door. Over time, this action can damage the door lock bolt.

Ways To Repair Your Door Lock Problems

  1. In numerous cases, it might be the door that is misaligned not your door lock, so please examine your door screws and door hinges. Tighten the hinge screws should help to adjust the door height and the correct settings. Loose screws can cause the door to sag and buckle under its own weight, so it is imperative that this is not possible when you are considering the problems of the door lock. If that does not work, then the problem is in alignment with the door lock.
  2. You would want to adjust the locks strike plate so it could line up correctly with the latch or door lock bolt. The bolt should rest flush within the strike plate. Next, unscrew the strike plate so you can reposition it. In some door locks, you might have to file off sections of the strike plate for it to fit perfectly. Once it’s done, install the strike plate at the relevant height. Please note that not all landlords can do it themselves, do not hesitate to call a locksmith.

Misaligned locks are very easy to be noticed and fixed. Some even can be fixed with some DIY and time. However, if you are not sure you are able to implement the right solutions, or you are not familiar with the tools, it is recommended that you are calling the locksmith so your damage will not get even bigger. A locksmith can save you time and money as they are experienced with lock repairing. A professional locksmith will offer you advice, knowledge and recommendations which do not only help you get the number one locking systems but also leave you more informed and educated about door lock problems. Working with non-professionals exposes you and them to numerous risks that vary from injuries and accidents to the low-quality outcome that can result in other risks. By way of example, if the lock is not correctly installed. All Time Campbelltown Locksmiths is the professional help you need in fixing your locks. They have many experiences with lock repair services. They also offer affordable prices too. The best part is they are available 24 hours. Please visit the website for more info.